Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Things you probably never cared to know about me.

45 of the most random things you probably never needed to know about someone
whats your name spelt backwards?:.noraA
What did you do last night?:Slept.
The last thing you downloaded onto your computer?:Uhm... movies (shhhh)
Have you ever licked a 9 volt battery?:Yes!
Last time you swam in a pool?:Hotel in BC.
What are you wearing?:Clothes.
How many cars have you owned?:1
Type of music you dislike most?:Whatever you DO like.
Are you registered to vote?:No =[
Do you have cable?:Yes.
What kind of computer do you use?:Mac/Pc (both)
Ever made a prank phone call?:No....
You like anyone right now?:Yes.
Would you go bungee jumping or sky diving?:Yes.
Furthest place you ever traveled?:The moon. (jkz Mexico i think...)
What's your favorite comic strip?:That one.. Where that guy does that thing...
Do u know all the words to the national anthem?:Yes.
Shower, morning or night?:Both.
Best movie you've seen in the past month?:Iron Man.
Favorite pizza toppings?:Vegetarian.
Chips or popcorn?:Popcorn.
What cell phone provider do you have?:Telus.
Have you ever smoked peanut shells?:No.
Have you ever been in a beauty pageant?:No.
Orange Juice or apple?:Orange.
Who were the last people you sat at lunch with?:Billy and Colton and Jesse.
favorite chocolate bar?:Big Turk
Who is your longest friend and how long?:I'm my own friend. (since i read this question.)
Last time you ate a homegrown tomato?:Last Year.
Have you ever won a trophy?:No. =[
Favorite arcade game?:Frogger FTW
Ever ordered from an infomercial?:No.
Sprite or 7-UP?:Sprite
Have you ever had to wear a uniform to school/work?:No.
Last thing you bought at Walgreens?:Never been to "walgreens".
Ever thrown up in public?:Yes.
Would you prefer being a millionaire or finding true love?:Millionaire.
Do you believe in love at first sight?:Not really.
Did you have long hair as a young kid?:Yes.
What message is on your voicemail machine?:Don't leave a message please, it gets annoying... ( well, not anymore but that was my best one)
Where would you like to go right now?:Somwhere it dosnt smell like burnt popcorn (oops)
Whats the name of your pet?:Freckels(cat), Sunny(bird1), Calvin(bird2), Fishy #1 (the rest died =[...)
What kind of back pack do you have, and what's in it?:The awesome kind. School things. (and ipods, and phone, and keys, and watch...)
What do you think about most?:Randomness.
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Wednesday, May 21, 2008

3 Things that would suck...

1. Falling out of a plane... that would really suck... you would be like half way to the ground, and you would be like... "hey... i just realized something... I'm falling out of a plane... Wow, this is going to suck... All that... Ground... All the way down there.... Hmm..... Not good. Not good at all."

2. A hurricane... That would suck too.. if you where stuck in a hurricane it would be all windy-like... and cold... and wet... But there would be a bright side to it, i suppose... You could call the hurricane by name... Why do they name hurricanes? Its not like its going to come when you call it... (Quick joke, Q: what do you call a dog with no legs? A: It en't gonna matter, hes not coming!)

3. When it rains really hard and its all wet-like... Why does rain have to be wet? It makes people wet, and miserable, and cold... They should invent Dry Rain so that i don't have to get wet while walking outside.

What if you fell out of a plane... Into a wet, cold, rainy hurricane?!?

P.S. Happy Cake Day!!!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Cake day.

If you were wondering why i said "p.s. happy cake day" in my last post, i have officially decided that every Wednesday is "Cake Day".... Oh and every second Thursday is "High Five Thursday" xD so...
Happy Cake Day!!!~
(and ~High Five~ for tomorrow)

P.S. Who needs a wingman? B]

Wednesday, May 7, 2008


It wasn't my best idea ever, but it was still fun... b.t.w. Why does hail hurt so much? Why can't they be pillowey and soft? I think if they were pillowey and soft, then it would be more fun to play in it... but then they go and be hard... and icy... and cold... Hail wont make any friends if it keeps being mean to people!!!

P.S. Happy Cake Day!!